| --- | --- | --- | --- | | Roles Modder

Best use of the Zodiac Roles Modifier on Gnosis Safe | $2,000 | The Roles Modifier exists as part of the Zodiac collection of tools for the Gnosis Safe. This modifier allows Gnosis Safes to enforce granular, role-based, permissions for attached modules. Think granular roles and permissions within a DAO context.

Whoever creates the coolest use case with a Zodiac role gets the prize! | https://gnosis.github.io/zodiac/docs/tutorial-modifier-roles/get-started/ | | Wild Card

Best project on top of Gnosis Safe | $ 2,000 | Anything and everything is fair game! Integrate the Gnosis Safe in a novel way to win this bounty. If you have any questions on getting started or your idea, let us know!

Btw we like DAO, NFT and Defi use cases... | https://gnosis-safe.io/ https://docs.gnosis-safe.io/ https://docs.gnosis-safe.io/build/sdks/core-sdk |